Best Family Law Attorney in Chennai: Null and Void Marriages

Null and Void Marriages: Top Rated Family Court Attorney’s Legal Insights - Synergy Law Group

Understanding Null and Void Marriages

A null and void marriage is a marriage that is considered invalid from its inception. This means that the marriage never existed legally. Unlike a voidable marriage, which can be annulled under certain circumstances, a null and void marriage cannot be validated or dissolved.

Null and Void Marriages: Top Rated Family Court Attorney's Legal Insights

Common Reasons for Null and Void Marriages

  • Bigamy: Marrying while already married to another person.
  • Polygamy: Marrying multiple people simultaneously.
  • Incest: Marrying a close relative.
  • Force or Fraud: Entering into a marriage under duress or through deception.
  • Mental Incapacity: One or both parties being mentally incapable of understanding the nature of marriage.
  • Lack of Consent: One or both parties not consenting to the marriage voluntarily.

The Legal Implications of a Null and Void Marriage

If a marriage is declared null and void, it has significant legal implications. These include:

  • No Legal Rights or Obligations: Neither party has any legal rights or obligations towards each other.
  • No Property Division: There is no division of property or alimony.
  • No Child Custody or Support: There are no child custody or support arrangements.
  • No Inheritance Rights: Neither party has any inheritance rights from the other.

Seeking Legal Advice

If you believe your marriage may be null and void, it's crucial to seek legal advice from a qualified family law attorney. They can help you understand your rights and options, and guide you through the legal process.

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Synergy Law Group: Your Trusted Partner

At Synergy Law Group, we specialize in family law matters, including null and void marriages. Our experienced attorneys have a deep understanding of the legal complexities surrounding these cases and are dedicated to providing personalized legal advice and representation.