...iable for Penalty u/s 270AIntroduc...cer (DVO) to assess th...iable for penalty under Section 270A of the In...imposes a penalty for underreporting or...from 50% to 200% of the ta...eliberate underreporting or...aim, then penalty under Section 270A may not be...propriate authority to levy the penalty u/s 270A?Income Ta...
Results for "authority to levy penalty under 270a"
- ...Penalties Under Sections 271AAB and 270A: A Comp...s imposed under Sectio...71AAB and 270ASection 271AA...imposes a penalty on taxpay...who fail to file their inc...imit. The penalty is calcul...penalties under Sections...71AAB and 270A can be sim...only one penalty can be...propriate authority to levy the penalty u/s 27...